Sunday, June 9, 2013

What's Been Keeping Me Very Busy for the Past Two weeks

I spent all day every day last week weeding and trying to get rid of huge dandelion weeds and a whole bunch of field bindweed, also known as morning glory. These weeds are so invasive and quickly spread. Last year I was too busy moving into our new home that I wasn't able to get ahead of the weeds. This year I am almost done (YEAH!) and have put down bark to discourage any new weeds. I will stay ahead of them this year!

I've come to realize that for me to be able to effectively help others I need to remove old emotions (whether it's about past mistakes I've made or being overly hard on myself for something I did), to "ROOT" them out and let them go. I've really been working at this for the past few weeks.

Old emotions are not healthy and they keep me stuck. They are also very depressing and they do trigger my depression cycles.

I'll post some "after" pictures when I finish!

There's strawberry plants in there somewhere!

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