Sunday, June 23, 2013

Yellowstone Tourists

My family and I met some really friendly people in Yellowstone. We met a couple from South Africa who had just recently became Canadian citizens. A nice Asian lady shared her umbrella with my girls while it was raining and she taught my husband how to say the word China in her language. I said hello in Mandarin to an Asian family and one of the adult sons who spoke good English asked, "Oh! You speak Chinese?" I laughed and told him that I only know one word and then they laughed. Two Bulgarians made our Subway sandwiches. When I asked what language they were speaking to each other he told me Bulgarian and then told me they were here for the summer to improve their English. (I think he spoke and understood English better than his friend and translated people's sandwich orders for him).

I guess I never realized how popular Yellowstone is as a tourist destination for people all over the world. I was impressed at how friendly and courteous everyone was to each other. There would be fewer conflicts and wars between nations if governments could get along as well as people do in Yellowstone.

It's very common to see buffalo grazing
just off the side of the roads in Yellowstone. 

I told my husband that of all the times I went hunting with my dad I've never seen an elk in the wild before. That translates into my dad never getting his elk while I was with him, lol.
This elk that we saw was just sitting on the lawn ignoring the tourists who had gotten out of their vehicles to snap some photos. I was in our car when I took this photo. I don't like getting close to wild animals!

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