Saturday, April 21, 2012

But I don't want to...

I have had a crappy week and haven't felt like blogging.
I want this blog to be a source of encouragementand I don't feel like I have much to
give when I am in a depressive slump.

Someone told me that when I start feeling depressed I need to do something to
combat it instead of trying to hide from it. The longer I wait the harder it is to crawl out of the "slumps."

Yesterday I took my kids on a mommy daughter date to the Pizza Factory and we went shopping afterwards for some clothes for them. I look forward to the future when they beg me to go shopping for a new outfit. I was very surprised that they both seemed to enjoy picking different things out. What I wanted to do was crawl in bed and hide from the world. But today I organized my house even though I really, really didn't want to. And instead of hiding I read to my youngest and gladly accepted a request to help someone with a project. Service helps me forget completely and totally for a few moments about my struggles with this disease.