Sunday, February 12, 2012

So the past week or so I have been depressed and didn't want to blog while I felt that way.

A week and a half ago I started to second guess myself.
I've told a handful of people about my disease and I felt a little vulnerable.
It's something that I've hid for so long.
When people ask me how I'm doing I usually say, "I'm good,"
instead of "Actually, I feel like crud.
I haven't showered today, exercised,
gotten enough sleep, (or whatever) and nor do I care to."

Mental illness is not like one of those "socially acceptable" diseases
that you can post about on Facebook
or where people bring you dinner.
And, actually, bringing a depressed person something like a meal
enables their behavior and makes their depression worse.
Because it's something that they can and should do for themselves.

So how do you help someone who is depressed?

It's all about being close to the Spirit.
Being able to tell when a friend doesn't seem like
and sending her a little note in the mail,
or calling,
or whatever it is
that you feel prompted to do.
It's about sincerely asking that person,
"How are you honestly doing?"
And caring enough to listen.
It lets the person know that someone actually cares
and is aware that he or she is struggling.