Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Nutrition vs. Depression: My Story Part 1

I've wanted to share what I've learned about how diet affects mood for a long time but I knew that it would be a long post. So I decided to break it up and in this post just share how I first started eating differently and healthier. 

A few years ago my husband and I wanted to make some lifestyle changes but it was so overwhelming for me. I think I expected myself to change all at once versus a more gradual approach. I would suggest to start with drinking green smoothies. (Making green smoothies was just STEP 1 in changing my diet). We bought a vitamix blender and started making green smoothies. Some were nasty and others were palatable but most were really good. There was a lot of trial by error in the beginning but now I feel like I am a smoothie pro and I'm adding things like chia gel, kale and bok choy! 

MANY companies offer products (with harmful and synthetic chemicals) that claim to detox your body. I have learned through my experience that you don't need all those expensive products, just drink a green smoothie. Mother Nature knows best. Eat whole foods and drink smoothies and your amazing digestive system, kidneys, liver, and pancreas does the rest!

Green smoothies break down the vegetables and fruits down on a cellular level which makes it easier for your body to absorb the nutrients. My kids even will drink green smoothies, they are a little picky about the color so I add berries to make it pink or purple and I make it more sweet by adding more fruit than vegetables.

 After a while of drinking green smoothies I started getting painful stomach cramps after eating certain foods. I noticed a pattern and learned to stay away from meat (fish was okay), dairy, eggs and chicken. I had a feeling that it was the hormones and antibiotics in these foods but it wasn't based on anything until I saw my doctor. He's a physician and a naturopath (which I love because of his holistic views towards health). He did a bio meridian test to see which foods I was sensitive to. I tested fine on all meats except pork BUT I tested negative on hormones and antibiotics. Validation! I knew it. My body was letting me know what I needed to stay away from before I even knew the reason why.

Now, lest you think that I am against you meat eaters, I'm not. I even eat it...occasionally. But I've noticed that it has to be an organic, grass fed, free range type of meat or else I have stomach pain.

So does this mean I think everyone should eat this way? Nope. Just listen to your doctors and to your body so that you can take care of your body in the best way possible.

An amazing scripture found in the Doctrine and Covenants section 49 verse 18 reads, 

"And whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, is not ordained of God;"

I don't forbid or discourage others to eat meat because of what is written in the above scripture. I think it would be wrong to do so. In my church we are taught in what's called the Word of Wisdom, which is also found in scripture called the Doctrine and Covenants, to "eat meat sparingly." So, that's what our family does. In fact, in a week I'll be picking up an 1/8 of a grass fed cow just recently butchered. It will last us quite a long time! (;

To be continued...

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