My Mr.
I was having difficulty trying to add a button to my blog
and my smart husband accomplished this difficult feat (at least it is to me)
in under a minute or so!!
Thanks go to my sister for recommending
Hillary Weeks awesome website about keeping track of how many
positive thoughts deeds one does during a day.
I wanted to share a few of the ideas they suggest of what to click for,
"Anything that lifts, motivates and inspires us to live our potential is clickable!"
- positive thoughts
- compliments given and received
- things to be grateful for
- smiles given and received
- i love yous
- noticing the good in someone
- noticing the good in a situation
- noticing the good in yourself
- things you believe
- each time you have hope
- each time you see the hand of God
- acts of kindness
- each time you resist temptation
- each step closer to a goal
- minutes of exercise
With your spouse
- compliments given and received
- things you love about each other
- i love yous
- each time you think of your spouse
- noticing the good in your spouse
- acts of kindness
- each time you make each other smile or laugh
With your family
- acts of service
- acts of kindness
- kind words
- compliments given and received
- completed chores - homework, making beds, brushing teeth, etc.
- minutes of reading
- minutes spent together
- expressions of gratitude
- have a contest to see who can click the most in a day or a week
With your friends
- things you appreciate about each other
- compliments given and received
- kind words
- check in each day to support each other in your clicking goals
- have a contest to see who can click the most in a day or a week
With your Church group
- thoughts of the Savior
- minutes spent reading scripture
- thoughts of gratitude
- choose a topic (faith, hope, love...) and click each time you witness it in your life
- set a goal to reach a certain number of clicks together
- acts of kindness
- acts of kindness
- each time customers are serviced
- going the extra mile
- each time a goal is seen in action
- positive words
- expressions of success
Here's to a lot of clicking!!
I'll post my clicks and see how the number changes.
Thank you, sis!